On June 23, 2021, (International Women in Engineering Day), Binnie launched the RISE initiative to create a safe and inclusive space for members who identify with the female, queer, femme-expressing, and gender non-conforming experiences in the industry. RISE aims to raise those voices in a collaborative, goal-driven, and supportive environment where staff can connect, empower change, and build our business.
RISE was founded by Binnie staff members Alyssa Hermann, Breanna Dalhby, and Gabriene Kaechele. RISE’s 2021 Committee will include Kyra Ching, Kelly Bullivant, Tara Preissl, and Karen Duve, who will be assisting Binnie’s RISE founders in executing this year’s initiatives.
The launch was commemorated by a virtual event called “A Conversation with Female Leaders of Binnie,” spotlighting the personal experiences and career paths of Binnie staff members Amrita Banerjee, Chelsea Skalsvik, and Catherine Eiswerth. Over 50 Binnie staff members attended and participated in friendly dialogues.
Allies, or individuals who are committed to listening to, learning about, and advocating for RISE Members are encouraged to join and support RISE events all year long.
Upcoming events include:
↑ Presentations for professional development and culture building
↑ Volunteer and outreach events in the community
↑ Social events
These events will be geared for both members and allies to participate and “RISE” together.